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Sixth consortium meeting in the GLACIER project with positive summary
On January 14, 2021 the project participants of the research project GLACIER met virtually for the sixth consortium meeting. The consortium leader DECOIT® GmbH had invited via its in-house video conferencing system Jitsi Meet to discuss the open tasks, the project plan and the definition of the development tasks until the end of the project with the partners University of Applied Sciences Hanover and rt-solutions GmbH. The project has made decent progress in 2020 and is well on schedule.
The project website is up to date and informs about the progress of the work. The development is progressing, especially regarding the backend. Therefore, starting in January, more in-depth work will be done on the frontend design and the presentation of security incidents. The documentation of the work-package reports lags a bit behind the development which is normal in this kind of project. On the other hand, several publications have already been successfully submitted, also to renowned organizers (IEEE and IDAACS). Therefore, the project topic achieves an interesting visibility even before its completion, which gives hope for a successful marketing later on. Further conferences are being planned, keeping in mind the development of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year the focus is on test operation at one of the associated partners. Prerequisites for this are that development is almost completed, and the COVID-19 pandemic allows on-site test operation. Pilot operation is planned for May 2021, but there is still some homework to be done before then. For example, the anomaly detection algorithm is not yet ready for final deployment and is still in the testing and development phase. Also, the front-end work has not yet been sufficiently completed. Some work-packages are therefore still lagging behind the original planning, while other tasks have already been completed before the actual deadline. Overall, project partners can therefore be satisfied with the progress of the work.
In conclusion, it can be said that the cooperation between the partners is working very efficiently and that the project goals can all be achieved by the end of September 2021.